10 form

Дополнительные материалы к пособию «Английский язык. 10 класс. Рабочая тетрадь»

Лексико-грамматический практикум по английскому языку для 10-11 класса можно скачать здесь

Newspapers in Britain

Unit 1 "Houses and Homes"

Проверить знание словаря по теме «Houses and homes» поможет любимая англичанами игра Hangman или Виселица. Попробуйте    Играть
Types of houses in pictures  смотри здесь

Renting an apartment vocabulary жми сюда
Home, sweet home
A nice poem to start a lesson with when speaking about different types of dwelling.
People live in houses
In many lands and places,
As different from each other
As their many names and faces.
There are houses made of mud and grass,
Of bricks, of snow, of stones.
There are houses round and houses square
And houses shaped like cones.
Some people live in motor homes,
They wander and they roam.
And whatever place they choose to park—
They call it home sweet home!
by Mary Sullivan

My favourite room
Following this link my favourite room and you will find a lovely video from the Inside Out Upper Intermediate in which two people speak about their favourite rooms. Answer the questions:
  1. Do there rooms reflect their owners’ characters?
  2. Which of the two rooms do you like more and why?

Renting an apartment vocabulary

Набор флеш-карточек для запоминания лексики по теме «Renting an apartment», Unit 2  Form 10. Жми сюда

Unit 2 Education

Условные предложения 1.2 и 3 типа. Подготовка к контрольной работе.


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